Christian de Neuvillette 6


Christian de Neuvillette is a handsom youung baron who arrived from Gascony in order to be in the Gaurds. While at a play in The Hotel De Bourgogne he falls in love with Roxane. As the new comer he feels out of place but in Act 2 soon finds the courage to stand up to Cyrano who in turn makes a deal with Christian to woe and marvel Roxane together, with Cyranos intelect and Christians good looks. Thinking Christian was the one sending the love letters, Roxane admits to him she only loved him for his good looks in the begining but has now feel in a deeper love for his words and wouldnt care if he was ugly. Once christian learns that she dosent truly love him but the letters is confides in Cyrano and begs him to tell Roxane the truth, that she is truly in love with Cyrano. In Act One Christians purpose/intentions are to find out who Roxane is and tell her that he is in love with her. 

In the begining of the play Christian is only known for his good looks, and he is rather shy and timid and hopless when it comes to women, "Bah! Any one/ Can pick a quarrel. Yes, I have a sort/ Of rough and ready soldier's tongue. I know/ That. But with any woman--paralyzed,/ Speechless, dumb. I can only look at them./ Yet someimes, when i go away, their eyes..." (2.84). But throughout the course of the play, with Cyranos help Christian learns that true love is within the soul and gains confidence in himself. Christian is most associated with Cyrano, together they make the romantic hero, with Cyranos mind and Christians looks.

In the second half of the play Christian is a soldier and Roxanes husband, one half of the "perfect romatic hero" for Roxance. The reader learns that Christian is an honest man and cares about his friends when he confides in Cyrano, "Shall I ruin your happiness, because/ I have a cursed pretty face? That seems/ Too unfair!" (5.164). Unfortunatly Christian is killed in battle and Roxane never learns the truth until many years later.